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Exporter & Importer from Lao People's Republic

Ring : Earring, Pendant, necklace, Bangle, Bracelet, Brooch, Set,
Gemstones : Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Spinel, Garnet, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Emerald, Alexandrite, Peridot, Zircon, Topaz, Onyx, Amber, Coral, Peral, Tiger Eye, Cats Eye, Emerald, Citrine, Champagne, Moonstone, Sunstone, Lapis, Opal, Peridot, Jade.
Gems, Minerals and Beads : Azurite, Aventurine, Angelite, Amber, Amazonite, African Turquoise, Botswana Agate, Blue Lace Agate, Blood Stone, Crazy Lace Agate, Chysoprase, Chrysocolla, chysanthemumStone, Chinese Turquoise, Chalcedony, Carnelian, Calcite, Dumortierite, Fossil Agate, Fluorite, Fancy Jasper, Garnet, Howlite, Hematite, Lepidolite, Leopard SkinJasper, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Moss Agate, Malachite, Mahogany Obsidian, NebulaeStromatolite, Orbicular Jasper, Pyrite, Prehnite, Poppyseed Jasper, Pietersite, Picture Jasper, Picasso Jasper, Pertrified Wood, Peridot, Quartz Crzstal, Rutilated Quartz, Rose Quarts Crystal, Rhyolite, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Red Jasper, Sodalite, Snowflake Obsidain, SmokeyQuartsCrystal, Silver Leaf Agate, Serpentine, Tree Agate, Tourmalinted, Quartz, Tiger Iron, Unakite, Yellow Jasper, Zoisite, Zebra jasper.

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Lao People's Republic / Vientine

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Export & Import

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